Sunday, January 20, 2008

Power of Written Word

Joe’s boss called on him and asked him to join an ongoing meeting. Joe steps in. There are directives discussed and plan of action agreed upon. Joe makes mental notes as to what he has been assigned. Two days later, Joe seems to have forgotten couple of key points made in the meeting.

Katie is working on a project and a problem has gotten the whole team stuck. Driving down the freeway, she thinks of an idea. She reminds herself to try this to get the team un-stuck. While back in her cubicle, she cannot seem to remember the entire solution.

Sammy takes quick notes on a small yellow sticky. He is off to meet a client on a lunch meeting. He comes back and while on the phone needs to see the information on the sticky note. He cannot find it. He cannot seem to remember where he kept that piece of paper.

Joe, Katie and Sammy have a problem – A time management problem.

Here are the Time management basics for beginners:

Write Things Down – Have a place to record the happenings of your day. Write down things and make a record. Writing things down allows you to get back to them and re-think the idea and tweak it into something powerful. Get into a habit to write things will allow you to capture your time that you may be wasting away. Get a planner or create a 3-ring binder that keeps your notes.

Take Action – You are in charge of your life. Whatever happens, at end of the day you are but your actions. So take action. Decide what you have to do and then create a massive laser like focus and get the first thing in your list done and then the next and then the next until you get your goal.

Break Things Down – Break larger goals into small bite size tasks. Lot of times when confronted with a large task or formidable goal, we seize to do anything. This leads to laziness and procrastination. Don’t despair – you are not going to be asked to lower your goals. Instead, subdivide your goals into intermediate milestones. Create a sequence of tasks and follow the sequence. Move Mountain - one shovel at a time.

Visit to get the tools you need for best use of your time.

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